Kamis, 25 November 2010


yeee ...... Finally, my primbon blog has been
finished. I  thanks to
my friend who help me to madethis blog. Now, i will start to write my primbon with the title is "GIVING INSTRUCTON". 
First, let me ask to you? what t
he meaning of giving instruction? ..... I'm also don't know about that, but since i have my primbon book i know that is simple for the answer. 
Giving Instruction is the command for does something which must inobeying. Nah, the simple words
is for give instruction for somebody. Sometime people use this for giving instruction to other people.

If we want to giving instruction to somebody, we must attention this :
  • Imperative Form
  • Use a modal verb to turn the order into a moda
  • Use an introductory phrase to soften the order
  • Use sequencing words
Tense use in giving instruction is simple present tense.

This some example of giving instruction :
  • Open your eyes !
  • Choose one of this book?
  • Move that chair !
The diaolog for easier us to know it :

Ruki   : "Hey Uruha. Can you clean up my room, now ?
Uruha : "Yes, i can .

Giving Instruction statement can use :
  1. When people ask unknown address.
  2. When demonstrate a recipe of food or drink.
  3. When ask somebody to do something that we want.
Umm....that is my explaination for Giving Instruction. I hope that can be useful for you all.

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