Selamat Pagi,Siang,Afternoon,evening, there are include in greetings. If you look, greeting has been use for all activity. So, don't forget use greeting when you meet someone.
Greetings is the expression which used to address someone or other people
A.How do you greet other people ?
1 Good morning/ afternoon/evening/night/nite
2 Hello, dhina
_ hello,afgan
3 How are you ?
4 How’s life?
5 How are you getting along
6 Hi,Nurul
_ hi,dhina
7 How’s everting with you?
B. How do you introduce yourself?
1 Let me introduce my self , my name is dhina
2 Hello,I’m Kim Hyun Joong
3 Hi,I’m Afgan Syahreza.You can call me Afgan
C. How do you introduce other people ?
_ I would like to introduce Utari Dina Sari
_ I would like you to meet Debby
_ Excuse me, Let me introduce you a new friend.His name is Alexa
D. How do you close or end your conversation ?
_ Well, I should be going now. See you!
_ Well. I must be off now.I’ll talk to you !
For the example
Dhina : Morning, Mrs deby
Mrs. Deby : Morning ,dhina .How are you ?
Dhina : I’m fine. And Mrs ?
Mrs Deby : Fine too. Well, I must teach again in classroom .See
you dhina
Dhina : okay .mrs. See you too . Bye-Bye
Selasa, 30 November 2010

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