Kamis, 25 November 2010


Nah, for this title i want to you all know this is my topic presentation english language. Me with my friend Yenny, made the explaination of procedure text. We use our brain to made the presentation (actually we use computer to made it not brain). Enough for that, now let's we see how far you learn the procedure text.

Procedure text is explains the way to operate/how to make something. So, procedure text can be use for us because it has a explaination to operate something. Procedure text has been use in a TV show, such as : Program cooking, hand made, and etc.

The generic structure of Procedure text are :

  • Goal/ Aim
  • Materials/ Ingredients
  • Steps
Goal is the purpose to make something. Example : " How to make a kite"
Materials is the equipment to use in a steps while ingredient is the substance to make something. Example : Knife, Hoe, Egg, Milk ,and etc.
Steps is the explaination the way to make something.

Procedure text usually use simple present tense, temporal conjuctions, dominant imperative, etc.

Procedure text can also ne on the form " spoken".

Now, let's we see the example of Procedure text :


  • Playstation
  • Casstte
  • Stick
  • First, fuse the playstation cable into stop kontak.
  • Turn on th Playstation with press the green button
  • After taht, tide the stick and inpu the cassette.
  • And press again the green button
  • After that, you can play a game what do you want.

Okay guys..... Enough for the explaination from me. i'm so sorry if there have mistake in made this title. I say thank you........

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