Selasa, 30 November 2010


 Present Perfect Tense..... Nie mereka Arin yang tau....gkgkgkgk. But, no problem. Stiil I here whatever i can do everything...
Present perfect tense is used for describing a past action’s effect an the present.
  Pattern I : S + have/has + been + Complement
  Pattern II : S + have/has + V3 + O/adv

Past perfect tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an action or an event that started in a certain time in the post and completed or finished fill certain time in the past too; or past perfect tense is used to express an action or an event that had happened before the other event or action happened.

  Pattern : S + had + V3 + Complement
Present future perfect tense is used to assert an action or an event that will happened or will finished at the definite time at the future.
Pattern I : S (except I) + will/shall + have + been + complement                                                     Pattern II : S + will/shall + have + V3 + O/adv

Past future perfect tense is used to assert an action or an event that will happened before or at the other event happened at the past future.
  Pattern I : S + would/should + have + been + Complement
Pattern II : S+ would/should + have + V3 + O/adv
Time signal:• Already
• As get
• So far
• Ever
• Many times
• Once several times
• twice


 Ini berhubungan langsung dengan yang namanya ( Cry, nangis, sedih, dll) So, don't cry if you see my primboon....
Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.

How can we give sympathy expression to someone?
We express it directly to him / her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by short message service (SMS), e-mail, television, radio, newspaper if he / she who got the trouble is far from us.

This is some expressions of sympathy :
v  I’m sorry to hear that
v  I’m awfully sorry about…
v  Oh’ awful!
v  Oh, dear!
v  Oh, what a shame.
v  How pity you are!
v  I’m sorry for what happened.
v  Look! This is not the end of the world.
v  Oh, no!
v  I know how it feels.
v  How terrible / awful for you.

Example of dialogue that expression sympathy in a certain situation ;
Berkat    : Hi Ayu, will you join us to the beach?
Sean      : I’d love to, but my parents don’t let me go. 
Berkat     : That’s a pity you are. But it’s O.K. You can join us another time.


 Huhuhuhu...I'm was so happy whe i bought a new car yesterday. That some example of Happiness exspresion. Now, let's see the expaination!!!!

Happiness  Expression is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited feelings
What is happiness ?
  • It is important to first understand that the term ‘’happiness ‘’ refers to the emotion ,mood ,and state of happiness ,however researchers generally study the more enduring ‘’state”
  • Expression happiness is used to expression happiness feelings when we are successful to do something.
What  would you say to express you happiness ?
  • I’m happy because……….
  • Fantastic
  • Great
  • My life’s fun of happy day
  • You make me happy
  • I’m so glad that you
  • I like ……..
  • I love……..
  • I’m statistied with
  • I’m pleased with
  • Congratulation !!
We can happiness expression of  by :
  • Word( kata-kata)
  • Gestures ( gerakan )
For the example of dialouge about happiness expression:
Aoi  : What do you accept from your birthday ,Kai?
Kai:  Fantastic ,I can a new bag from my father. That’s new bag .
        It is    very good
Aoi  : Oh, I ‘m happy too hear it.
Kai : Thank’z ,Aoi
Aoi  : You are welcome


You konw different beetwen Appointment and invitation? So, look this for the answer!! heheheheh....

Invitation tell about how to invite or ask someone to come along or join a particular program or activity.
How to invite someone
  • I would like you to
  • Whould you like to….?
  • Shall we…………..?
  • Let’s have dinner together with me tonight
How to accept an Invitation
  • All right!
  • I will come
  • I would love to
How to refuse / decline an Invitation
  • I’m afraid .I can’t
  • That’s very kind of you,but……………..
  • I can’t for now because I ‘m busy………………………..
For the example of dialogue about Invitation
Dhina : Hi, don.What are you doing tonight ?
Doni   : I wiil just stay at home
Dhina : Well,whould you like to come my birthday tonight?
Doni   : Oww, you are going to celebrate your birthday, what time?
Dhina : At .06.00.p.m .Don’t be Late
Doni    : All right .Thankz for you invite me
Dhina  : Okay.See you tonight .Good bye
Doni    : Good bye too


 Sudah keberapa nih titlenya?... cape banget.... but i'm sure to finish this quickly.

Appointment tell about agreement for meeting it is good to make an appointment before you meet or people.
1.Making an Appointment
  • Can I come and see you ?
  • I want to make an appointment to see
  • I ‘ll be there
2.Accepting an Appointment
  • Be there on time
  • It’s a deal
  • I’ll wait for you
3.Canceling an Appointment
  • I’m sorry ,I ‘m very busy
  • I ‘m terrible sorry I have to put off my Appointment
4.Changing an Appointment
  • What about……………( Tuesday at.04.00.p.m)
  • Do you have another time this afternoon
  • Well,I must be off now .I’ll talk to you later.
For the example of  dialogue about Appointment
Aldio  : Hi,can I talk to Ruki ?
Ruki  : Ya ,it’s me .Who is talking ?
Aldio  : I ‘m Aldio .Sorry to disturb you
Ruki  : No problem.What’s up ?
Aldio  : Well,you like to accompany me to Reita’s House this  afternoon?
Ruki  : Yeah.I can
Aldio  : Okay .I will pick up you at.5.p.m
Ruki : Ok .I wait You.


Selamat Pagi,Siang,Afternoon,evening, there are include in greetings. If you look, greeting has been use for all activity. So, don't forget use greeting when you meet someone.

Greetings is the expression which used to address someone or other people
A.How do you greet other people ?
1        Good morning/ afternoon/evening/night/nite
2        Hello, dhina
_ hello,afgan
3        How are you ?
4        How’s life?
5        How are you getting along
6        Hi,Nurul
_ hi,dhina
7   How’s everting with you?
B. How do you introduce yourself?
1 Let me introduce my self , my name is dhina
2 Hello,I’m Kim Hyun Joong
3 Hi,I’m Afgan Syahreza.You can call me Afgan


Past Tense....?( Lampau,yang lalu, bahari kala,...? yg mana yang benar). I;m still confuse about that. So, I writte from myself

Simple Past is used for describing acts that have already been concluded and whose exact time of occurrence is known. Furthermore, simple past is used for retelling succesive events. That is why it is commonly used in story telling. Simple past is a kind of tense which is used to descrive an event or action that happened already in a certaintime in the past. Simple past is formed for regular verbs by adding -ed to the root of the words.
The Pattern:
(+) S + Verb II + complement
(-) S + did + not + Verb II + complement
(?) Was/were + S + Verb I + complement

1. (+) He walked to the stone.
(-) He didn't walked to the stone
(?) Did he walk to the stone?
2. (+) I went to Tangkiling yesterday.
(-) I didn't go to Tangkiling yesterday.
(?) Did you go to Tangkiling yesterday?

3. (+) They studied english last week.
(-) They didn't studied english last week.
(?) Did they study english last week?


 Gaining Attention ( menarik perhatian) hmm.... I think this title can be use for get some girl. hehehehe....just kidding.. Enough for the joke, now get to the point...!!!!

Gaining Attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to.

Usually gaining attention use in order our friends that speak with we, attention to us. Gaining attention usually use simple present tense.

Example of Gaining Attention :
- Attention please !
- Excuse me
- May I have your attention , please ?
- Look here .
- Listen to me , please
- Waiter ?

Respond :
- Yes, what ?
- Wow, really ?
- I'm listening
- It's amazing !
- What happened then ?

Showing Affection (Giving Attention)

Dialog :
Linda : You look so pale.
           Are you alright ?
Tina   : I think I've got a temperature.
Linda : Really?
           Let me take you to the school clinic.
Tina   : O.K. Thanks.

The bold-typed sentence in the dialog is used to show affection or give attention. You show your affection or give attention to somebody when he/she wears a nice thing, looks sad, etc. You also use certain expressions like "Really?", "Are you?", etc. to show thet you are listening to what someone says.

Showing Affection (Giving Attention)
♥ Are you alright/O.K. ?
♥ What's wrong with you ?
♥ Do you ?
♥ Really ?
♥ Are you ?
♥ Did he ?
♥ Nice dress.
♥ Is that it ?


 My fifth title in this blog. I hope you are still enjoy my blog after all. the next title is Advertisement. Yesterday yesterday yesterday (kami disuruh buat iklan....aduh menyenangkan sekali...). But with that we can make an advertisment so easily.

Advertisement is information for persuading and motivate a people so that it will attracted to service and things that are offered.
Function of advertisement are :
  • Promotion
  • Communication
  • Information
In making an advertisement, keep this following points :
         Languages of Advertisement :
  • Using the correct or suitable word.
  • Using the interesting expression and suggestion.
  • Using positive connotations.
  • Text of advertisement should directly to the goals.
          Advertisement Content :

  • Objective and honest
  • Brief and clear
  • Don’t to allude group and to other producer.
  • Attractive attention
       Kinds of advertisement :
  • Family Advertisement
  • Invitation Advertisement
  • Sponsored Advertisement
  • Advertisement that praises goods which is advertised
  • Requested Advertisement
  • News Advertisement
  • Announcement Advertisement
  • Article Advertisement
Huaaahhh.... I'm so tired. i only have 2 days for finishing this blog. I hope, my blog will finishd quickly.


 Hello guys... the next title is Simple Present Tense. Do you know about Simple Present Tense? Let me explain you about  this title.

The function of simple present is use to explain an event that happen now, it also forms a habitual action, general truth, command and request.
Simple Present:
Past                                      Future The simple present is used to indicate a situation that exists right now, at the moment of speaking. Þ      I smell something delicious. Þ      Jane needs a glass of water right now.
Þ      They have a big house.
Past                                      Future The simple present says something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It is used for general statements of fact. Þ      Monkey swings from branch to branch. Þ      Kind words make people happy.
Þ      God loves us.
Past      ?                       ?      Future The simple present is used for habitual or everyday activity. Þ      I watch TV three hours every night. Þ      English class begins at 7am.
Þ      Father usually reads newspaper every morning.

The formula of simple present tense :
I . Nominal:
(+) He is a doctor.
S  + To be + Compliment
(-) He is not a doctor.
S  + To be + not + Compliment
(?) Is he a doctor?
To be  +   S   +  Compliment + ?

When using word questions (W/H questions such as What, Who, When, Why, Where, Which, How), we simply put the question word in the beginning of the sentence and followed by the form of question pattern above.
Why is she angry?
W/H question + to be  +   S   +  Compliment + ?

II. Verbal:
(+) S + Verb1 -s/es + O / C / adv     
  Uruha study English everyday.
(-) S + Do/Does+not+Verb1 + O / C / adv
 Uruha does not study English everyday.
(?) Do/Does+ Subject + Verb1 + O / C / adv
Does Uruha study English everyday?

Spelling of third person singular forms

Most verbs:
Add -s to infinitive
work ® works
drink ® drinks
meet ® meets
Verbs ending in consonants + y:
Change y to I and add -es
Fly ® flies
Cry ® cries
Rely ® relies
Verbs ending in -s, -z, -ch, or -x :
Add -es to infinitive
Miss ® misses
Buzz ® buzzes
Watch ® watches
Push ® pushes
Fix ®fixes
Have ® has
go ® goes
do ® does

Kamis, 25 November 2010


Huaaa....cape bener bikin tittle satu nie....(eh,lupa pake bahasa indonesia)..... Sorry guys... that some mistake in this title. Now, i want to explian you about Narrative text.
Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.
nd introduce the participants (it answers the question : who, when, what, and where).
  1. Complication :
Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them.
  1. Resolution :
The crisis is revolved, for better or worse.
  1. Re-orientation :
The ending of the story.
  1. Evaluation :
The stepping back to evaluate the story or the moral message of the story

Linguistic features :
1. Use active verbs.
2. Use past tense.
3. Use conjunction.
4. The first person (I or We) or the third person (He, She, or They).
5. Use specific nouns.
6. Use adjective and adverbs

Kind of Narrative text :
1. Legend : Sangkuriang, Malin Kundang, etc.
2. Fable : Mousedeer and crocodile.
3. Fairy tale : Cinderella, Snow white, Pinocchio, etc.
4. Science fiction


Nah, for this title i want to you all know this is my topic presentation english language. Me with my friend Yenny, made the explaination of procedure text. We use our brain to made the presentation (actually we use computer to made it not brain). Enough for that, now let's we see how far you learn the procedure text.

Procedure text is explains the way to operate/how to make something. So, procedure text can be use for us because it has a explaination to operate something. Procedure text has been use in a TV show, such as : Program cooking, hand made, and etc.

The generic structure of Procedure text are :
  • Goal/ Aim
  • Materials/ Ingredients
  • Steps
Goal is the purpose to make something. Example : " How to make a kite"
Materials is the equipment to use in a steps while ingredient is the substance to make something. Example : Knife, Hoe, Egg, Milk ,and etc.
Steps is the explaination the way to make something.

Procedure text usually use simple present tense, temporal conjuctions, dominant imperative, etc.

Procedure text can also ne on the form " spoken".

Now, let's we see the example of Procedure text :


  • Playstation
  • Casstte
  • Stick
  • First, fuse the playstation cable into stop kontak.
  • Turn on th Playstation with press the green button
  • After taht, tide the stick and inpu the cassette.
  • And press again the green button
  • After that, you can play a game what do you want.

Okay guys..... Enough for the explaination from me. i'm so sorry if there have mistake in made this title. I say thank you........


yeee ...... Finally, my primbon blog has been
finished. I  thanks to
my friend who help me to madethis blog. Now, i will start to write my primbon with the title is "GIVING INSTRUCTON". 
First, let me ask to you? what t
he meaning of giving instruction? ..... I'm also don't know about that, but since i have my primbon book i know that is simple for the answer. 
Giving Instruction is the command for does something which must inobeying. Nah, the simple words
is for give instruction for somebody. Sometime people use this for giving instruction to other people.

If we want to giving instruction to somebody, we must attention this :
  • Imperative Form
  • Use a modal verb to turn the order into a moda
  • Use an introductory phrase to soften the order
  • Use sequencing words
Tense use in giving instruction is simple present tense.

This some example of giving instruction :
  • Open your eyes !
  • Choose one of this book?
  • Move that chair !
The diaolog for easier us to know it :

Ruki   : "Hey Uruha. Can you clean up my room, now ?
Uruha : "Yes, i can .

Giving Instruction statement can use :
  1. When people ask unknown address.
  2. When demonstrate a recipe of food or drink.
  3. When ask somebody to do something that we want.
Umm....that is my explaination for Giving Instruction. I hope that can be useful for you all.

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